Case Management

Dutch SharePoint-based document management system provider Epona has merged with JustiSolutions, vendor of leading Danish legal case management system Unik Advosys. The deal was driven by Main Capital Partners, the […]
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It was a year ago last month that I wrote here about the launch of Clarra, a cloud-based case management platform designed to be optimized for docket-driven litigation practices. Now, Clarra is out with a a major update that provides a suite of new features, including generative AI and analytics capabilities, enhanced client-communications capabilities, no-code customization, and more.
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At its recent customer conference in Salt Lake City, called LEX Summit, the case management company Filevine unveiled a number of product releases and updates. Among them were several products for litigators driven by generative AI, including a first-of-its-kind tool, Depo CoPilot, that helps guide a lawyer during a deposition, and another, DemandsAI, that generates settlement demand letters in the
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In today’s episode, we feature three impromptu conversations with leaders of the case management company Filevine. Last week, I was in Salt Lake City to attend LEX Summit, the Filevine customer conference. While there, I snagged three of the company’s top executives for brief, impromptu conversations about the company, its products, and the conference.
 In today’s show, you
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The Filevine user conference, LEXSummit2024 kicked off recently in Salt Lake City with a keynote presentation by its CEO, Ryan Anderson. Anderson offered up his view of where the company in specific, and perhaps legal tech, in general, should be going.

Anderson called to mind Steve Jobs and the iPhone introduction in 2007 as a map for the future.
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In his keynote speech opening LEX Summit in Salt Lake City, Filevine founder and CEO Ryan Anderson emphasized platforms as the future of technology for law firms, criticizing the legal technology landscape as a fragmented and inefficient array of point solutions, and promising that Filevine will deliver firms a better way by bringing together everything they need in a single
Continue Reading Law Firms Demand ‘Single Pane of Glass’ To Manage their Cases, Filevine CEO Says in LEX Summit Keynote

Assembly Software recently announced the launch of NeosAI, a set of generative AI-powered features integrated directly into the Neos case management platform, with the goal of transforming how legal professionals operate and streamlining their daily tasks.
By automating a wide range of tasks, including document summarization, document generation, data extraction, OCR, and dynamic form creation, NeosAI is designed
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Today on the LawNext PR podcast, Assembly Software CEO Daniel Farrar joins Bob Ambrogi to discuss today’s launch of NeosAI, a suite of AI-powered features integrated directly into the Neos case management platform. 
“NeosAI is designed to enhance efficiency, streamline processes, and elevate productivity by embedding AI technology directly into Neos workflows,” the company said in announcing the new features.
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Disputes software and services provider Opus 2 on 23 April announced the launch of AI Labs, a program that invites clients to take an active role in the development process of its […]
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I just got back from LegalWeek 2024 in New York City. LegalWeek is the annual legal tech conference put on by ALM and directed at big law firms and clients. There were lots of exhibitors, lots of parties, and fancy dinners. It’s glitzy and sales and marketing oriented.

This year, as expected, the educational sessions, discussions, and marketing were dominated
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When San Francisco lawyer Todd Schneider’s litigation firm, Schneider Wallace, became frustrated with its options for case management software — finding existing products to be antiquated, inflexible, and better suited to transactional practices — the firm decided to build its own. From those roots was developed Clarra, a cloud-based case management platform that spun off from the firm
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