Law Practice Management

It says something about our collective attitude towards generative AI in legal that this blog’s most-read story of the year was about lawyers getting sanctioned for hallucinated case citations.
In fact, it will probably not surprise you to learn that, of my 40 most-read stories of the year, 24 involved generative AI in some way. Whether they were stories about
Continue Reading AI, Ethics, Essays and Scandals Ranked Among LawSites’ 40 Most Popular Legal Tech Stories of 2024

nQ Zebraworks, a company whose “invoices-to-cash” solution automates the billing cycle for large and mid-sized law firms, has closed a $4.5 million funding round, bringing its total investment to $13.5 million.
The investment was spearheaded by the company’s lead investor Reckon Limited and supported by key shareholders and will be used to drive growth of its cloud-based platform.
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Recently, the law practice management company Clio launched Clio Duo, its generative AI legal assistant. On today’s LawNext, Jonathan Watson, Clio’s chief technology officer, joins the show to discuss Duo’s development, capabilities and future direction.He also talks about some of the other products Clio recently launched, including native accounting and custom reporting.
Watson and LawNext host Bob Ambrogi recorded
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At the recent Clio Cloud Conference in Austin, Texas, Clio released its ninth annual Legal Trends Report, a report that uses both survey responses and anonymized data from Clio users to paint a picture of key trends in law practice and legal technology.
This year’s report has some intriguing findings on lawyers’ adoption of AI and the types of
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The theme of this year’s ClioCon, an annual legal technology conference produced by legal software provider Clio, was “Momentum.”
During the conference, which was held October 7 and 8 in Austin, Texas, Clio CEO and Founder Jack Newton used the image of a flywheel to illustrate the theme. A flywheel takes energy to start spinning but then builds momentum
Continue Reading Clio 2024 Legal Trends Report Identifies AI, Alternative Billing Structures, and Client Engagement as Focus Areas for Today’s Lawyers

This has been a significant year for the law practice management company Clio, which in July raised a record-setting $900 million financing round – the largest ever for a legal tech company, and which recently wrapped up its 12th annual Clio Cloud Conference, its largest ever with some 2,600 attendees in person in Austin, Texas, and almost as many
Continue Reading Live from #ClioCon: A Clio Power Trio, with COO Ronnie Gurion, CFO Curt Sigfstead, and Board Member Mark Britton.

We’ve just returned from the Clio Cloud Conference, held this year in Austin, Texas, where, in what has become an annual tradition, LawNext host Bob Ambrogi sat down with Clio founder and CEO Jack Newton for a live interview. 
At the conference, Clio launched Clio Duo, the generative AI legal assistant integrated into Clio’s flagship product, Clio Manage. In this
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One of the central themes of the recent Clio user conference held in Austin was the anticipated death of the billable hour. Jack Newton talked a lot about this in his keynote, as did other Clio executives in presentations and their talks with me.

The idea is based on one of the more startling findings announced by Clio at
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Will Gen AI be the death of the billable hour? How should we be training staff to use technology now? And what does Clio’s $900m investment mean for end users? […]
The post ClioCon Roundup: Is the billable hour dead, and other existential questions  appeared first on Legal IT Insider.
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Clio’s choice of Austin, Texas, for its Clio Cloud Conference this year was a foray into enemy territory, and the enemy responded strategically with guerilla tactics of its own.
Austin, as it happens, is the home base of AffiniPay, the parent company of MyCase, LawPay, CASEPeer and Docketwise, all of which are competitors to Clio.
So AffiniPay took advantage of
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“Momentum is the driving force that turns short bursts of energy into sustained success.”
With those words during his opening keynote that has been become a signature event of the Clio Cloud Conference, Clio founder and CEO Jack Newton explained why the conference chose “momentum” as its theme this year.
It is an apt description, because the two-day Clio Cloud
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Usage of artificial intelligence by legal professionals has skyrocketed from 19% in 2023 to 79% this year, according to the ninth edition of the Legal Trends Report, released today by Clio during its Clio Cloud Conference in Austin.
The report further finds that up to 74% of hourly billable tasks – such as information gathering and data analysis – could
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Calling it a major first step in its wider AI product roadmap, the law practice management company Clio today released Clio Duo, a generative AI product built directly into the Clio Manage law practice management platform.
Clio released the product today at its Clio Cloud Conference in Austin, Texas, after first announcing its plans to launch the product at its
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