Legal Education & Training

BARBRI, one of the leading companies in the field of legal education, has acquired SkillBurst Interactive, a company that provides on-demand learning programs for law firms and corporations. 
“The integration of SkillBurst Interactive will introduce innovative multilingual, interactive learning solutions that align with the evolving demands of law firms and legal professionals,” BARBRI said in a press release.
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As law firms face pressure to head into mediation earlier and earlier, junior associates feel the need to hit the ground running quicker than ever before. The new AltaClaro training series is hoping to speed up the process with real-life litigation simulations.
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Orrick will once again offer AltaClaro’s prompt engineering and generative AI training at the beginning of its summer associate program, culminating in a summer “AI Day” full of generative AI-related activities designed to educate the next generation of lawyers.
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Hotshot, a learning platform for legal professionals, today released the first five courses in a planned series designed to teach lawyers and other legal professionals about artificial intelligence and its impact on law practice.
The overall set of AI videos is designed to teach lawyers about the technology, its use cases for law practice, its risks and ethical considerations,
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It was a bathroom break that inspired Bradley Neal, a 3L at The George Washington University Law School, to develop a product that uses generative AI to help law students better understand and brief cases.
Returning to class after a visit to the bathroom, he had lost the thread of the case the professor was discussing. He had
Continue Reading Law Student’s Gen AI Product, Lexplug, Makes Briefing Cases A Breeze

For legal professionals, finding high-quality, timely and relevant educational content is essential to maintaining and developing professional competence.
For companies and organizations that develop CLE and other legal-learning materials, developing high-quality content is challenge enough. But even trickier can be keeping that content current.
“High-quality content of course is a baseline,” writes Argentina-based legal technologist Ezequiel Braun Pellegrini. “The relevance
Continue Reading How the LatAm Legal Tech Company Wolap Is Leveraging Data to Develop Legal E-Learning Programs

Training of associates. Everyone agrees it’s critical. But all too often, it’s left to happenstance. As I have discussed before, happenstance training often penalizes women and people of color. Older white partners gravitate toward younger versions of themselves when making assignments that serve as training.

Even beyond that, a “luck of the draw” training approach is pretty dumb, given
Continue Reading AltaClaro Associate Training Program: Old Problem. New Solution

“Training and the development of the next generation is absolutely fundamental for profitability, for growth, for strategy, for everything,” Keith Heddle, managing director of Mackrell International, told Legaltech News.
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Eleven prominent international law firms have formed a first-of-its-kind consortium to build a series of on-demand and interactive training programs in generative AI for lawyers and legal professionals, and the courses are now being offered to other firms on a subscription basis as they are released over the coming months.
The series of courses, called Generative AI Fundamentals for Law
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As generative AI sweeps through the legal profession, lawyers face challenges in learning to use it responsibly and properly. This summer, one of the world’s largest law firms, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, began to address that challenge by partnering with the legal skills training company AltaClaro to develop a training program for its summer associates on prompt engineering and
Continue Reading On LawNext Podcast: Training Lawyers to Use Generative AI, with AltaClaro Founder Abdi Shayesteh