FREE and Powerful: Wolters Kluwer Launches Suite of COVID-19 Smart Charts Outside the Paywall.
For the past month librarians and lawyers have been scrambling to locate and digest the daily cascade of COVID-19 orders, laws, regulations and policies that have been streaming from every level of government across the fifty states. The Wolters Kluwer COVID -19 resource has aggregated and tagged releases from across the federal government including the President and Congress as well as State Governors and local county health departments.
Today Wolters Kluwer launched a powerful COVID-19 Smart Chart tool which will enable lawyers to quickly locate and compare the laws across multiple jurisdictions. It is the first free advanced digital tool offering a a “comprehensive listing of state and federal laws, executive orders, and regulations related to the pandemic.” The topics expand to granular subtopics which can be compared. Additional subtopics will be added as the COVID tool is enhanced. The resource will be updated three days a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

In addition to the ability to select and filter on specific issue the platform offers these additional features:
- Links to the original document
- Last updated date is posted next to each document
- Unlimited sharing of all documents
- Mobile friendly
Smart Charts has been one of Wolters Kluwers most popular and valued innovations on their Cheetah platform.
The new Smart Chart provides information on these five topics:
- Labor & Employment/HR & Benefits
- Health & Infectious Disease
- Banking & Finance
- Tax
- Securities
Three more Smart Charts will be releases shortly:
- Executive Orders & Proclamations Small Business Administration
- Education
- Stimulus Package
No Marketing – Wolters Kluwer pledges not to use the website to collect leads. If researchers put in an email address to forward a document that will not trigger a sales call. Anyone interested in more information on Wolters Kluwer products has the option to submit their email to request more information elsewhere on the platform.
Thank You Wolters Kluwer According to Ken Crutchfield, VP and General Manger Legal Market at Wolters Kluwer described the COVID-19 resource as being created” to enable lawyers help protect lives and livelihoods as well as help law firms to make critical decisions and provide advice more quickly and efficiently” in response to the COVID-19.
Wolters Kluwer had preivously released resource pages on their website, and now the COVID-19 Resource is one of hte most advanced if not the most advanced COVID resource released by any legal publisher.
I have previously published summaries of COVID resources on March 16th March 23 March 29