I’m very excited to announce that my new book, Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A Practical Guide for Law Firms, Law Departments and Other Legal Organizations, is now available on Amazon. The book may also be purchased as a Kindle ebook.
A few months ago, I was planning to write a series of articles on innovation in law that would be practical, focused on outcomes, and share some of what I’ve learned about innovation over many years and, especially, while researching and teaching on the topic over the last year or so. Once I got started on that project, it turned into a book in front of my eyes.
In my own research, I had tried, unsuccessfully, to find a single-volume resource on innovation in law that covered what I felt should be covered. Because I felt the need for such a book, I decided to write and publish one.
My goal with the book is a simple one: I want to help forward-looking innovators in the legal world like you get needed guidance and a framework for increasing your chances of innovation success and decreasing your chances of innovation disasters. I believe that there is no “one true path” to innovation in law, there are many paths to success, and, often, just a little help and direction can make all the difference.
What is the audience for the book?
- Innovation team leaders (whether with the title of chief innovation officer or not)
- Business leaders wanting to drive innovation (managing partners, general counsel, CFOs, COOs, CIOs, chief strategy officers, business development leaders, and the like)
- Individual innovators, including those who aspire to moving into one of the first two categories
- Clients and customers of legal service providers who want to see their providers bring them more innovation
Many others will find this book useful as well.
Unlike many legal books, which have very high prices, I wanted to price the book at normal business book prices. I also wanted to experiment with self-publishing directly on Amazon. The paperback is US$34.99 and the Kindle version is US$19.99. As I say in the book, if your organization hesitates at spending this amount for you and your team for the book, it’s probably a good idea to think about moving on to an organization that will.
I tried to cover the waterfront in innovation topics in the book. You can get a free taste of what’s in the book by downloading my free PDF, “57 Tips for Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law,” which largely tracks the chapters in the book.
In the book, I thank the many, many people who have taught me about innovation over the years. It’s been great to have the chance to learn from so many. In that tradition, I wanted to share what I’ve learned with others.
If you are interested in reviewing the book for your audience, let me know. If you want to talk about ways to achieve successful innovation outcomes in your organization, check out my new Legal Innovation as a Service offering.
And . . . watch for announcements about book launch events on my social media channels.
I enjoyed writing this book and hope that you enjoy it and find it a helpful and practical guide.
This book is a product of the Kennedy Idea Propulsion Laboratory.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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Download my FREE “57 Tips for Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law” (PDF).
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