It was a summer of writing and book projects for me. I’ve already pre-announed one of those books, Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A Practical Guide for Law Firms, Law Departments and other Legal Organizations.
Allison Shields and I have also finished a new book on LinkedIn. It will be called “Make LinkedIn Work for You: A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals.” The manuscript is finished and in the hands of the book designer. The cover has been chosen.
Based on the current timeline, the book should publish via Amazon later this month or in early October. The price is not finalized, but, like my other new book, we wanted the book to be priced very reasonably and be easily available as an ebook.
I’ll talk more about the book soon, but it’s a brand new LinkedIn book for us. Our LinkedIn in One Hour for Lawyers book is now out of print. We wanted to take a different approach, move away from a short “lessons” format, and focus on strategies that work. The book includes FAQs, tips, and other learnings that we’ve had since we wrote our first book. We’re really pleased with the result and think that anyone who is serious about using LinkedIn to help themselves professionally will be too.
We’ve also explicitly moved away from the “for lawyers” notion, in both the title and the book content. Many people have told us that our LinkedIn strategies and tactics apply to many others other than lawyers, and we wanted to acknowledge that the legal profession is not just about lawyers anymore, if it ever really was.
And, yes, we do want to find some people willing to read the book and write reviews. If that might be you, please reach out to Allison or me.
More details to come in the near future.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (]
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Download my FREE “57 Tips for Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law” (PDF).
The second edition of The Lawyer’s Guide to Collaboration Tools and Technologies: Smart Ways to Work Together, by Dennis Kennedy and Tom Mighell.