
Several of our regular Legaltech Week panelists were in Chicago for RelativityFest last week, so we took the opportunity to get together and broadcast our show live from the same room (instead of Zoom squares).
If you missed it Friday, here’s the video recording. A huge thanks to the public relations staff at Relativity for the audiovisual set-up that allowed
Continue Reading Here’s the Video of Our Legaltech Week Panel Recorded Live Friday at RelativityFest in Chicago

I’m attending Relativity Fest this week in Chicago. Relativity Fest is put on by the e-discovery software provider Relativity. Relativity is one of the largest discovery software providers. Relativity Fest is its extravagant user conference. According to Relativity, there are a record 2000 attendees at this year’s show, the 15th annual one.

I attended a panel discussion early in
Continue Reading Relativity Fest 2024: E-Discovery Providers Like Relativity Pave The Way for Legal Embrace of GenAI

With four different legal tech companies announcing executive appointments over the last week, including two to top sales spots, the timing leads me to wonder whether this is because companies are staffing up for the Legalweek conference that is just around the corner. Whatever the reason, here is a roundup of the newest additions to legal tech c-suites.
Eric Bouchard
Continue Reading Legal Tech Moves: C-Suite Appointments at Axiom, Exterro, Merlin, and Relativity

“Simply refusing to get involved or pretending it doesn’t exist is not a strategy for success. Embracing it wholeheartedly without examining potential pitfalls and mitigating risks is also not a strategy for success,” said Adam Weiss, Relativity’s chief legal officer and chief administrative officer.
Continue Reading 'Excited but Cautious': How Relativity's Adam Weiss Approaches the AI Revolution

I recently attended RelativityFest put on by the ediscovery software provider, Relativity. Relativity is one of the largest discovery software providers. RelativityFest is its extravagant user conference. This year’s version was in Chicago. 

According to Relativity, there were some 1793 attendees at this year’s show, which was the 14th annual one. In the Keynote, Relativity’s new CEO, Phil Saunders
Continue Reading RelativityFest 2023: The Evolution of Ediscovery Technology

Today on Legaltech Week, live at 3 p.m. ET, we’ll be joined by guest panelist David Horrigan, discovery counsel and legal education director at Relativity, for a post-mortem on the Relativity Fest conference that wrapped up yesterday in Chicago. Several of us were there, and we’ll share our thoughts.
We will also discuss other top stories from the week’s
Continue Reading On Today’s Legaltech Week Live Panel: Post-Mortem on Relativity Fest, Plus All the Week’s Top Stories