For the first time at its 2020 annual conference, the American Association of Law Libraries will dedicate a portion of its exhibit hall to featuring startups and emerging companies in the legal information field.
Start-Up Central will be a dedicated space at the annual meeting for newer companies to showcase their products and services to an audience of legal information professionals. The annual meeting is July 11-14, 2020, in New Orleans.
Companies that qualify will pay a flat-rate exhibition fee of $750, which provides them with a fixed-size counter and stool, one conference registration and one exhibitor badge, carpeting, signage, and a listing in the conference directory and promotional materials.
To qualify for this special rate, companies must:
- Have been founded five years ago or less.
- Have a product or service targeted to legal information and to legal information professionals.
- Have never before exhibited at an AALL conference.
- Be independently owned and not a subsidiary of larger companies.
For more information, see AALL Start-Up Central.