Monday marks the start of Pro Bono Week, and to help highlight the good work lawyers do, the legal technology company Paladin will send you a free mug of justice for sharing your story about a pro bono matter you take on during the week.

“It’s simple, really, 5.1 billion people lack access to justice,” explains Paladin’s website. “You can help. In celebration of pro bono week 2019, Paladin will send you a free mug of justice for telling us about a pro bono matter you’re taking on this week. No strings, just a hot ’n steamy cup of making the world a better place.”

Paladin is a technology platform that helps corporations, law firms, law schools and legal services organizations streamline their pro bono programs, with the greater goal of helping them serve more clients in need and thereby help close the gap in access to justice.

Related: LawNext Episode 35: Felicity Conrad, Cofounder and CEO of Paladin.

To earn your free mug, you will be asked to describe a pro bono case you take on during Pro Bono Week, Oct. 20-26. The form asks for general, non-confidential information about the case, such as area of law and how you’ll help, as well as some basic information about you and your practice.