Seoul Legal Hackers

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Latest from Seoul Legal Hackers

Legal Hackers Seoul의 2021년 두번째 밋업에 대해 공지해 드립니다.
주제: Non-fungible Token (NFT), 블록체인 & 미술시장
시간: 2021년 3월 20일 토요일 오전 11시 (한국시간)
참여방법: 클럽하우스 링크 (현재 아이폰만 가능)
“Non-fungible Token (NFT), 블록체인 & 미술시장” 이라는 주제의 이번 밋업은 최근 이슈가 되고 있는 NFT 및 블록체인 기술에 의해 변화하고 있는 미술시장에 대해 토론하는 시간을 갖고자 합니다.
Continue Reading Legal Hackers Seoul March Meetup – NFT, Blockchain & the Art Market

Legal Hackers Seoul successfully hosted its first virtual meetup in 2021 on January 28, 2021.
Mr. Sang Jink Lee shared his opinions with attendees on the ethical issues of Artificial intelligence, focusing on a recent AI chatbot incident in Korea.
(More information on the chatbot incident in Korea:
He gratefully agreed to share the document that he used
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Two organizers of Legal Hackers Seoul, Narae Lee and Haebin Lee contributed to the Korean part in the 2020 State of Legal Innovation in Asia-Pacific report co-published by Singapore Management University of Law and Singapore Acadamy of Law. Encompassing the current state of the legal market as well as the level of legal innovation with technology in each country in
Continue Reading 2020 State of Legal Innovation in Asia-Pacific report

2021년 새해를 맞고 처음으로 인사드립니다!
코로나19 때문에 직접 만나뵙고 인사를 드리지 못해서 아쉬움이 큽니다. 하지만 저희 Legal Hackers Seoul은 온라인 밋업을 통해서 법무법인 태평양 이상직 변호사님과 함께 “AI 관련 법리 쟁점과 과제 그리고 ‘이루다’ 사건으로 보는 AI 윤리철학”이라는 주제로 2021년 첫 밋업을 개최할 예정입니다.
대통령 소속 국가지식재산위원회의 ‘인공지능-지식재산 특변 전문위원회’의 위원장으로 활동하고 계시는 이상직 변호사님을 통해 빠르게 발전하고 있는 AI시장
Continue Reading Invitation to the virtual meetup of Legal Hackers Seoul

Legal Hackers Seoul에서 2020년 8월 6일(목) 저녁 7시에 네트워킹 저녁 이벤트를 개최하고자 합니다.
기술적 발전을 이용한 법률 혁신에 관심있는 분들과 네트워킹 하는 시간으로 만들려고 합니다. 자세한 사항은 플라이어의 정보를 참고해 주시고, 참가하고자 하는 분들은 RSVP를 주시기 바랍니다( 감사합니다.
Legal Hackers Seoul would like to invite you to the mid-year networking dinner at 7 pm on August 6 (Thur), 2020.
Continue Reading Invitation to the Legal Hackers Seoul mid-year networking dinner

I would like to introduce LawTech Asia’s response to Public Consultation on Model AI Governance Framework published on July 7, 2019. Legal Hackers Seoul has a keen interest in ethical and legal issues in AI, and we had a seminar on this issue last June.

While researching AI governance issues, I came across a Model AI Governance Framework declared by
Continue Reading LawTech Asia’s response to Public Consultation on Model AI Governance Framework

With support and help from the #legalhackers community, we successfully completed the 1st CL+B Festival on Sep 30! Thank you everyone who participated and supported the event! Special thanks to the great panelists and the sponsors of the event (#Blockcrafters, #Hashed, Blockchain and Law Academy). Let’s continue discussing thoughts on sustainable blockchain governance onwards!

Happy to share
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Legal Hackers Seoul is pleased to announce that we will be hosting our very first CLB+ Festival on September 30, 2019, to address “Building Sustainable Governance for Blockchain Technology from a Legal Perspective.”  Along with the Korea Blockchain Week which begins on September 30, we expect to arrive at a minimum consensus on this topic through open discussion and engagement.
Continue Reading Invitation to the 2019 CLB+ Festival of Legal Hackers Seoul

Two co-organizers of Legal Hackers, Narae Lee and Haebin Lee contributed to the Korea section of the “State of Legal Innovation in Asia Pacific Report.”  It was published by the Singapore Academy of Law’s Future Law Innovation Programme (“FLIP”), the Singapore Management University Law School, and the Singapore Academy of Law Ventures. It aims to encapsulate and understand the phenomenon of
Continue Reading 2019 State of Legal Innovation Report: Asia Pacific

We are going to have a session at 7 pm on June 11 with regard to ethical and legal issues on AI. We will cover the topics below:– Overview of ethical and legal issues on AI– Accountability issues on AI– Specific legal and ethical issues on legal tech and surveillance systems based on AI.Please join us and share your opinion
Continue Reading Coming-up: 2019 June Meetup ‘Ethical and Legal Issues on AI’

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On March 28, we had a great meet-up of Seoul Legal Hackers at Hashed, discussing the current state and future of Legal Technology in Korea. Lots of great people attended the session and shared their opinions, including a lawyer managing legal tech company as well as friends in Singapore who attended the session via
Continue Reading 2019 March Meetup ‘The Current State and Future of Legal Technology in Korea’