David Whelan

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Reading Time: 4 minutes
One of the interesting things about my current role is that it is two part-time roles. When I was hired, the role required a library director 49% of the time and a faculty member for the remaining 51%. It has resulted in a lot of unusual outcomes. For example, when I take a full day of
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Reading Time: 6 minutes
The semester started last week and I have been building out my course materials in our online learning management system (LMS). Our university uses Blackboard but I expect that users of Thomson Reuter’s TWEN or Blackboard’s competitor, Canvas, have been going through a similar experience. I’ve been surprised how much duplication is involved even when there
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Reading Time: 13 minutes
I cancelled Bloomberg Law. It was an agonizing decision-making process. The decision itself was not hard. If anything, it was obvious and overdue. That tension, of having an obvious decision that still needs to be teased out to its full extent, was a professional challenge. It has been a long time since I had found myself
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Reading Time: 5 minutes
My immersion in law school life continues. All faculty are asked to proctor a final exam so I had that experience. The room slowly filled with laptops and piles of books and notes and outlines, sometimes supplemented with scratch paper. The laptops are a requirement for the exam. But I was still struck by the place
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Reading Time: 2 minutes
This is the first Christmas in 6 years that all of my family will be in North America. The first Christmas my parents have bothered to get a tree to decorate, since it didn’t feel like much of a celebration with my brother held hostage in Russia. I’ve been reflecting on the many well-wishers I heard
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Reading Time: 11 minutes
Let us take a walk into the unknown. I have spent most of the last year thinking about how legal scholarship is promoted and connected. Not so much from the perspective of the librarian assisting faculty, but from the perspective of the librarian or lecturer who is promoting their own scholarship. One of our law school
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Reading Time: 7 minutes
One of the things I enjoy in life is when two things I’m interested in converge. I am finding that with teaching, as I read up on how to do it better. One topic—mindset—grabbed my attention because it’s such a common thing to consider in management too. I had always thought of them as scarcity and
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Reading Time: 5 minutes
I have been on Mastodon for nearly two years. It has been interesting learning the new culture. I tend to take people at face value there so, when someone asked why their posts weren’t gaining engagement, I responded with some suggestions. It wasn’t what they wanted to hear.

Here or There

They were very polite about
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Reading Time: 7 minutes
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. One of the things I’ve been looking forward to in my new role is teaching. The calendar has rolled around and I was asked to teach next fall, which is really exciting. I’ll be teaching a course on law practice technology, which is also
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