Docket Alarm now features new ways to get more from your data with SALI tags. 

SALI, or Standards Advancement for the Legal Industry, is an organization promoting a universal, interoperable system for tagging legal cases and documents. 

Docket Alarm’s API can now take advantage of SALI tags through two new AI endpoints – Area of Law and Forum and Venues The Area of Law endpoint takes a docket’s case type – whether it is state, federal, or an agency – and outputs the relevant SALI Area of Law tag. 

The Forum and Venues endpoint works similarly – it takes a docket court field from Docket Alarm and converts it to the appropriate SALI tag. 

These new endpoints work best with our recently launched integration into Foundation. With these new tools, you can easily populate your entire Foundation instance with SALI tags for case type and area of law and venue in just minutes!