With recent events requiring an increasing number of employees to work remotely, organizations must make important decisions about how best to balance employee safety and operational continuity. Over the years, businesses have significantly enhanced their abilities to support remote workers while securing data, yet there remain considerable limitations and concerns that restrict the efficiency and effectiveness of remote work models.

When it comes to legal professionals, it is critical to ensure that all confidential communications and documents remain secure. Corporate legal departments must maintain management of the risks associated with organizational communications. Similarly, outside counsel must maintain secure means of communication and the protection of attorney-client confidentialities. However, the sharing of sensitive corporate information among remote workers in a manner that ensures continued compliance with legal mandates will strain the capabilities of IT departments.

Pitfalls and risk abound when methods of organizational communication change. A sudden surge in the number of remote employees will create challenges ranging from the privacy, protection, and governance of data to physical hardware security issues, data loss prevention, and business interruption.  Currently, it is estimated that less than four percent of Americans work remotely on a full-time basis. (Source: Axios)

Corporate business communications that typically occur within a confined IT environment will be adversely affected when huge volumes of off-site transmission cause a spike in remote log-ins. In the coming weeks, many organizations will be forced to alter their preferred methods of secure communication, testing their ability to function timely without running afoul of compliance obligations. Law firms will continue to face deadlines on current litigation matters while having to support attorneys that cannot work in their offices for the foreseeable future.

The current crisis will continue to cause major changes to the business landscape, and such events affect the legal profession in many ways. Already strained court systems face possible closures, and law firms struggle to put forth plans to address their future business. Organizational needs for systems that provide remote employees with access to secure data, and enable sharing of that data, will rise rapidly in the short term. Within the past few days alone, many large law firms have issued mandates to their staff to work from home. (Source: Law.Com)

Collaborative, secure data sharing platforms can help serve as a channel for approved communications between those not physically working in their offices. With sensitive corporate data often requiring greater protection than that provided via email, many organizations will find themselves seeking temporary solutions to enhance security and other functional capabilities in support of a remote workforce.

It is essential for organizational security to remain enforceable, regardless of the increased use of corporate networks by remote employees. Protecting document confidentiality and remaining compliant with other business regulations cannot be sacrificed. The use of secure, web-based sharing platforms will enable organizations to limit the business interruption caused by the current health crisis.

A sharing technology platform allows remote employees to collaborate freely in a fashion similar to their ordinary course of business. Technologies that enable comprehensive workflows, allowing users to check information in and out and track pending document changes, will become more commonplace with a rise in remote working. Platforms that allow users to easily prioritize tasks and approve the actions of their co-workers while preserving an audit trail of activity will grow in popularity. Moreover, solutions that offer visual analytics will gain further adoption, as will dashboards that provide remote access to and overview of data.

While challenges are apparent as entities struggle to identify and deploy technologies that provide greater support for mobile workforces, customizable solutions exist to help organizations meet such demands. Knovos is uniquely positioned to assist organizations that are seeking secure, collaborative sharing environments as they work to support the temporary challenges that have arisen due to the current pandemic. Learn more about Knovos and our secure collaborative sharing platform here https://www.knovos.com/products/cryptacomm-virtual-data-room/

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