The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism is pleased to announce the speaker talks for its fifth annual The Future Is Now: Legal Services conference. The conference will be held on Thursday, April 23, from 9:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CT at Venue SIX10 in Chicago.
For the first time, the Commission will expand on its popular TED-like talk and townhall format with a keynote session exploring the legal regulatory innovation debate that’s happening across the U.S.
“The Future Is Now is an opportunity for lawyers, judges, and other legal professionals to learn crucial tips to improve our practice while debating larger issues that are impacting the industry,” said Martin Sinclair, Chair of the Commission on Professionalism. “This year, we have a great lineup of dynamic speakers who will discuss topics like legal tech, lawyer well-being, access to justice, and creating value for lawyers, clients, and the legal profession. These speakers are challenging us to reimagine the industry as one that’s more rewarding for lawyers while providing better services to clients. We hope you will join us on Thursday, April 23.”
Speakers and topics are as follows:
Keynote session: Will Reimagining Legal Regulation Improve Access to Justice?, Zack DeMeola, IAALS
Studies show that many Americans are unable to access legal assistance, while lawyers are struggling to make ends meet. What’s the solution? Earlier this year, both the ABA and the Conference of Chief Justices adopted resolutions encouraging states to consider regulatory innovations for the delivery of legal services.
Zack DeMeola will explore how these resolutions and re-regulation efforts already underway in various states could impact lawyers across the U.S.
Following his talk, DeMeola will be joined by Tim Eaton, Partner at Taft, for a keynote townhall discussion on the complexities of regulatory reform for small and large firms and our profession at large.
Amplify the Value of Your Practice for Today’s Legal Consumer, Kimberly Bennett, K Bennett Law LLC
What does the next generation of legal services consumers want? Value. Kimberly Bennett will teach you how to redesign your practice to drive value, embracing new legal services models and client priorities, while creating a sustainable, wellness-enhancing business you love.
The Business Case for Access to Justice, Erin Gerstenzang, EHG Law Firm
Today, viable market strategies allow attorneys to use tech to scale legal solutions to be affordable to underserved markets – so a $50 solution is reasonable for the consumer and profitable for the lawyer. Erin Gerstenzang will teach you how you can address the access to justice gap while building your business.
Reimagining Pro Bono with Community Lawyering, Tiffany Graves, Bradley
Attorneys who participate in one-off pro bono projects miss the opportunity to understand the challenges of the communities they’re serving. Tiffany Graves will examine how shifting pro bono work from law-firm driven to community-centered lawyering can empower communities and increase access to justice.
Redesign Your Legal Career for Success, Dr. Charles Ireland, Advocate Health Care
After burnout caused him to lose his professional passion, Dr. Charles Ireland redesigned his medical practice with simple tools focused on fulfillment. Drawing direct parallels to the legal profession, he will share how to create a satisfying and award-winning business that delivers improved client experience and increased financial reward.
20-20 Vision: Power Up with Technology, Caren Naidoff and Alan Press, Shire Law Group
Alan Press and Caren Naidoff have helped firms across the country uncover the value of technology and successfully implement tech programs. They’ll share tools and address common pitfalls for firms that are looking to bolster their practice with technology.
On-Ramp: Evidence-Based Firms Improve Client Experience and Increase the Bottom Line, Patrick Palace, Palace Law
Attorneys may not regularly consider the business side of the coin. But when we don’t manage our firms for financial success, it impacts the justice we deliver. Patrick Palace will show us how collecting and applying simple metrics can be an easy way to create happier clients and increase revenues.
The Art of Healthy Lawyering, Dr. Diana Uchiyama, Illinois Lawyers’ Assistance Program
Evidence shows the legal profession suffers from mental health and substance abuse challenges at a higher rate than the general population. Dr. Diana Uchiyama will discuss proven methods that LAP uses to improve attorney health and increase professional competency.
Conference attendees are eligible to receive 4.5 hours of professional responsibility CLE credit in Illinois, including 0.5 hours of mental health and substance abuse credit.
Registration is open on the conference website: thefutureisnow.2civility.org. Early bird rates expire on Friday, March 13.
View the full conference agenda here: thefutureisnow.2civility.org/2020-agenda/.
For additional information, contact David Bell at david.bell@2civility.org or 312-363-6210.
About the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism
The Illinois Supreme Court established the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism under Supreme Court Rule 799(c) to foster increased civility, professionalism, and inclusiveness among lawyers and judges in Illinois. By advancing the highest standards of conduct among lawyers and judges, the Commission on Professionalism works to better serve clients and society alike. For more information, please visit 2Civility.org and follow us on Twitter @2CivilityOrg.
Press Contact
Laura Bagby, Communications Director