I very happy to announce that Allison Shields and I’s new book, Make LinkedIn Work for You: A Practical Handbook for Lawyers and Other Legal Professionals, is now available on Amazon as a paperback and as a Kindle ebook.
Make LinkedIn Work for You isn’t just a “how to” on using LinkedIn; it delves deeper into creating a strategic approach to your use of LinkedIn based on who you are, where you are in your career, and what you want to accomplish on LinkedIn, and prompts you to ask questions like:
- What are you “hiring” LinkedIn to do for you?
- How do you make yourself “discoverable” within your network?
- How do you bring the real world into LinkedIn and LinkedIn into the real world?
- How do you want to communicate with your network?
The book focuses on the three parts of your LinkedIn presence that you must understand well: Profiles, Connections, and Participation.
We have long called these the essential building blocks of LinkedIn. In many ways, the three blocks notion is our fundamental insight in this book.
If you understand and get these blocks right, you will “get” LinkedIn and should find it a valuable use of your time.
The book also features a chapter for Millennials and other new users and a foreword, both written by my daughter, Grace Kennedy.
We loaded the book with material from our LinkedIn presentations, lots of tips, and answers to questions we often get from lawyers who want to make LinkedIn work for them.
Table of Contents
PART I: Getting Started
1. Setting Up A New Account Or Reviving Your Existing Account.
2. Using Linkedin On Your Mobile Devices
3. Optimizing Your Settings
4. Developing Your Linkedin Strategy
5. The Three Building Blocks Of Linkedin: Profile, Connections And Participation
PART II: Profile
6. Your Basic Profile
7. Going Further With Your Profile
8. Advanced And Power User Tips: Profile
9. Profile Frequently Asked Questions
PART III: Connections
10. Getting Started With Connections
11. Making Even More Connections
12. Using Linkedin Search Tools
13. Advanced And Power User Tips: Connections
14. Frequently Asked Questions: Connections
PART IV: Participation
15. Participating On Linkedin: Posts And Groups
16. Social Proof: Endorsements And Recommendations
17. Monitoring And Engaging With Your Network
18. Developing A Linkedin Content Strategy
19. Advanced And Power User Tips: Participation
20. Frequently Asked Questions: Participation
PART V: Conclusion: Planning Your Linkedin Activity
21. A Basic Linkedin Action Plan For Everyone
PART VI: Making Linkedin Work For You
22. Building Your Personal Brand On Linkedin
23. Linkedin For Job Search
24. Linkedin For Law Students
25. Moving To New Practice Area Or Location
26. Using Linkedin As A Business
27. Linkedin For Millennials And Others New To The Platform
28. Linkedin And Legal Ethics
29. Resources
NOTE: If you are interested in reviewing the book for for audience or interviewing Allison and me for an article, podcast, or videocast, let us know by messaging either of us on LinkedIn.
You can find more information about all of my books at the Dennis Kennedy Books LinkedIn Showcase page.
[Originally posted on DennisKennedy.Blog (https://www.denniskennedy.com/blog/)]
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LinkedIn Profile. Also, see LinkedIn showcase page for Dennis Kennedy’s books.
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